프이치는 그래픽 디자이너 김퓌애가 2020년 4월부터 운영하고 있는 스튜디오입니다.
이미지와 텍스트의 관계를 탐구하며 내러티브를 구성하는 작업에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 이러한 작업들은 주로 그래픽 디자인을 기반으로 하여, 다양한 콜라보레이션과 전시 프로젝트에 참여하는 형태로 이루어집니다.
직접적인 소통을 위해 ‘개인’ 클라이언트와 1:1 커뮤니케이션을 기반으로 한 커미션 업무를 진행하고 있습니다. 그래픽 디자인과 아이덴티티 디자인 분야에 집중하고 있습니다.
자연의 찬란함과 아름다움을 주제로 한 제품들은 일상 속에서 사랑과 감사의 에너지를 전달하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 독특한 인쇄 기술을 활용하여 정기적으로 새로운 포스터를 출시하고 있습니다.
FYCH is a studio operated by graphic designer Fhuiae Kim since April 2020.
The work focuses on exploring the relationship between images and text to construct narratives. These projects are primarily based on graphic design and involve participation in various collaboration and exhibition projects.
To facilitate direct communication, commission work is carried out based on one-on-one interactions with individual clients. The focus is on graphic design and identity design.
The products, inspired by the splendor and beauty of nature, aim to convey love and gratitude in everyday life. Utilizing unique printing techniques, new posters are regularly released.
South Korea
노말에이 Normal A
오혜 Ohye
유어마인드 Your Mind
카바 Cava
페이퍼룸 Paper Room
해브어 Have A
광주비엔날레 아트숍 G#
Gwangju Biennale Art Shop G#
BFA, Seoul National University College of Fine Arts, Visual Communication Design
National Technical Qualification Engineer Colorist
Exhibitions&Book Fairs:
Nationl Hangeul Museum, Dialect, Can’t Resist!
KCDF Gallery, Objets and Objects
Re:plat Exhibition : Fhuiae Kim Solo Art Show, Stressed Desserts
Seoul Art Book Fair
Nationl Hangeul Museum, Singing the Colors of Children's Hearts
Index Company, Posters for Bookshops
Nationl Hangeul Museum, Korean Pop Lyrics-Melodies of Life
Seoul Art Book Fair
Typojanchi 2019, Typography and Objects: Kaleidoscopes, polyhedrons, clocks, corners, sundries and plants
Open Recent Graphic Design 2019, Shim Woo Yoon Solo Show
Ilmin Museum of Art, Dear Amazon : Brazil X Korea The Anthropocene
Your-Mind, Riso Town
Tokyo Art Book Fair, Zine's Mate
DDP, Seoul♡SeeYouTomorrow♡
Taipei Art Book Fair
Typojanch 2017, Mohm
Tokyo Art Book Fair
Seoul Art Book Fair
Seoul Art Book Fair
Seoul Art Book Fair
IDEA magazine, Issue 389
Open Recent Graphic Design 2019, Shim Woo Yoon Solo Show
CA Design Magazine Korea, Issue 243
It's Nice That, Fhuiae Kim explores “the third language” in her calming graphic design works
CA Design Magazine Korea, Issue 240
Hongik University Graduate School, Illustration Special Lecture
Seoul National University, Identity Design Special Lecture
Seoul National University DESIGN WEEK 2020, Studio&Agency Panel Talk
FDSC, fflag high Class: Emoji Workshop
Sookmyung Women's University, Storytelling Design Special Lecture